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Welcome Story Cast Premiere DVDs Data Preview


"Now it is final: from January 1st, 2011 on, Neulengbach will be a federal state of the republic Austria -
Mealtime Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the first episode of today Neulengbach."
with these words welcomes Parkus Mohanka his audience to news of a different kind.

Then there is one breaking news after an other, even a live switch in the future is made
in this fascinating broadcast.

Of course there are also the traditional eitle filme advertisments in the new major movie of
eitle filme, which are even more direct an shocking then ever.

In other words: if you life in Neulengbach you have to see it, and if not: you have to see it all the more
because Neulengbach is always at the top - or, as our deputy governor would say:
"idleness is a spet backwards".


Highlights of this Film:

  • election campains of all Neulengbach major partys
  • street questioning whith Louse Einbahn to the state exalation
  • live questioning of the audience while the premiere in the Hollywood Megaplex
  • report of the curt case about the butchery in the film "the eitle gameroom"
  • a discussion with the global earth warming
  • report about the suffering of nature after the abuse in 1984
  • the rolling bus without driver - amateur material of a passanger
  • statement of the TU Neulengbach to cumulation of airoplane accidents
  • Carina Carla Cobermeyer reports from the new art exhibition
  • advertisment S-Butged
  • advertisment Gola
  • advertisment Waste Watchers
  • switch to the future with Sarus Polanka